There are times while sitting stationary in a kayak where you will need to spin the kayak around in a tight circle. Spinning the kayak in place is the fastest way to turn a kayak around and the only way to do it in tight places. This how-to will direct the paddler on how to spin their kayak in place.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 10-15 minutes of practice each time
Here’s How:
- Setup to Spin the Kayak.
Your should be sitting in a correctly setup kayak and holding the paddle properly. To spin the kayak in place the kayak should start off in a resting position. - Perform the Forward Sweep Stroke
Spinning the kayak in place involves alternating between a forward sweep stroke on one side of the kayak and a reverse sweep stroke on the opposite side of the kayak. This tutorial uses the forward sweep stroke as the first stroke. - Rotate The Body to the Opposite Side
Once the forward sweep stroke is complete the kayaker is generally setup for a forward stroke on the opposite side of the kayak. This is not however the stroke we want to do at this point. Instead the kayaker needs to rotate the body all the way around as if to do a kayaking backstroke on the opposite side of the kayak. - Perform a Reverse Sweep Stroke
Once the paddle is setup for a backstroke on the opposite side of the kayak, perform a reverse sweep stroke on that side of the kayak. - Setup for the Next Forward Sweep Stroke
At the conclusion of the reverse sweep stroke the paddle is setup for a forward stroke on that same side of the kayak. If the kayak needs to continue to spin, rotate the torso to setup for a forward sweep stroke on the opposite side of the kayak. - Alternate between Forward and Reverse Sweep Strokes
Spinning a kayak involves an alternating of the forward and reverse sweep strokes. Continue to alternate between the two until the kayak has spun into the desired position.
- Be sure to maintain the paddler’s box through the kayak spin in order to maintain proper form and technique throughout the manuever.
- Practice and perfect forward sweep strokes and reverse sweep strokes before trying to spin the kayak.
What You Need
- Kayak
- Paddle