Kayaking is a great way to enjoy the summer months, and it can be even more enjoyable if you are taking care of your kayak. Preseason kayak maintenance should include checking for any leaks, tightening up all bolts that need tightened, inspecting the hull for damage or other issues that may have occurred during storage while you were away from home. Other things to do before getting back out on the water this season are adding grease fittings where needed, replacing worn parts like oars and foot pedals. Preseason kayak maintenance will help prolong your fun in the sun!
Here’s What You’ll Need to Do this Preseason Kayak Maintenance:
Check for Leaks
Check for any leaks, tighten up all bolts that need tightened, inspect the hull for damage or other issues that may have occurred during storage while you were away from home. Other things to do before getting back out on the water this season are adding grease fittings where needed and replacing worn parts like oars and foot pedals. Preseason kayak maintenance will help prolong your fun in the sun!
Apply UV Protectant
Apply a UV protectant to help maintain the integrity of the surface material. Preseason kayak maintenance will keep your boat looking good for years to come
Inspect Backrest
Seat backrests: Inspect all plastic or metal pieces that make up your backrest system. Preseason kayak maintenance ensures these parts are securely fastened so they don’t fall off while on a voyage.
Check Oar Locks
Oar locks: Check them carefully before each use of your boat – loose oarlocks can lead to injury if not tightened properly. Preseason kayak maintenance keeps you safe out there!
Use Anti-fouling agent
Spray an anti-fouling agent on all surfaces to prevent algae from growing and causing damage. Preseason kayak maintenance ensures your boat lasts longer and protects the environment.
Inspect Stern Fitting
Stern fitting: Inspect all fittings, including screws that thread into metal or plastic parts of the boat. Preseason kayak maintenance will keep you safe from nasty leaks!
Store it Correctly
Storing it right: Store your boat in a shaded area to prevent sun damage when it’s not in use for long periods of time. Preseasons kayak maintenance helps maintain color and prevents cracks or deep scratches on hulls made out of fiberglass or polyethylene foam core boards like drop-stitch construction.
Check for Corrosion
Minimizing corrosion: Have your trailer inspected at least once every year before storing it for winter – worn wheels can lead to severe corrosion under any conditions. Preseason kayak maintenance is the best way to avoid corrosion!
Securing it: The more you can do to keep your boat from being stolen, the better off you’ll be. Preseasons kayak maintenance includes locking up and securing your boat at all times – especially when traveling during peak seasons like summertime or weekends.
Use a Cover
Covering boats in wet environments may help prevent growth of bacteria that could lead to mold or mildew buildup on your dry cells inside while giving protection against harsh UV light exposure. Preseason Kayak Maintenance means using covers for storage if possible, but also consider adding routine checks for water levels as well as sprinkling with anti-fungal agents periodically throughout the season. Using a cover is another Preseason Kayak Maintenance tip.
Clean it Properly
Cleaning your kayaks at the end of each season should be part of Preseason Kayak Maintenance, too! Give them a good hand scrubbing and make sure to remove any algae or stubborn dirt spots that can give your boat an unattractive look. Using Dawn ® dish detergent and water will do the trick without resorting to chemicals.