At, we are dedicated to providing accurate, unbiased, and reliable information to our readers. The use of unnamed or anonymous sources can sometimes be a necessary tool for journalism. However, we also recognize that this practice requires careful judgment to maintain credibility and transparency. This Unnamed Sources Policy outlines our approach and guidelines for using unnamed sources in our content.
An unnamed source is a source whose identity is not disclosed in the content. This could be because the source has requested anonymity or because revealing their identity could put them at risk.
Use of Unnamed Sources
1. Last Resort
Unnamed sources should only be used as a last resort when the information is vital and cannot be obtained through other means. We must exhaust all other potential sources before deciding to use an unnamed source.
2. Verification
Before using an unnamed source, we must make every effort to verify the information they provide. This may involve corroborating their information with other sources, using documents, or other independent research.
3. Accountability
Even when a source’s identity is protected, we must still assess their credibility. This includes understanding their motivations, considering any potential biases, and evaluating their ability to access the information they provide.
Approval and Review Process
1. Senior Editor Approval
Any use of unnamed sources must be approved by a senior editor. The editor should be satisfied with the efforts to verify the information and the necessity of using an unnamed source.
2. Transparency
When we use unnamed sources, we should be as transparent as possible with our readers. While we won’t reveal identities, we will share as much context as possible about the source and our reasons for granting anonymity.
This Unnamed Sources Policy serves as a guide for our commitment to responsible journalism. While we understand that unnamed sources can sometimes play a crucial role in reporting, we believe in holding ourselves to high standards of verification and accountability to maintain our readers’ trust.
This policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as needed to ensure we continue to uphold the best practices in journalism. We welcome input from our readers and partners on this and all our policies.