Belize, formerly known as British Honduras, is a small Central American country wedged in between Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala and…
If you’ve tried your hand at making a wooden canoe paddle, maybe it’s time to try a double-bladed kayak paddle.…
Before tackling hard whitewater, some basic kayaking skills need to be mastered. In addition to the paddle stroke, it is…
Using a kayak rack keeps your kayak securely mounted to the roof of your vehicle as you head out to…
The most important part of choosing a kayak rod holder is choosing how to mount it to your kayak. If…
Whitewater kayaking requires a series of basic skills used to keep you afloat while you head downriver and through rapids.…
Replace your boat’s steering cable if the steering wheel is tight and hard to steer or you feel hesitation while…
For those who enjoy kayaking, there are two main ways to transport your kayak from point A to point B…
With distractions of the digital age intruding on childhood play and time spent in nature diminishing, parents are increasingly facing a…
Prior to every kayak fishing trip, I go through an extensive mental list of gear that I can’t go without, and after…